Stalking & Sexually Oriented Offense CPO Form Assistant


This interview will help you fill out the forms to file for a Civil Stalking or Civil Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Order. 

Anyone who is the victim of stalking or a sexually oriented offense can request one of these orders. There does not need to be a specific type of relationship between the victim and the offender. Criminal charges or convictions against the offender are not required to file for the civil protection order.

Learn more about how these orders can help, the process and the risks here.

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You will need to: 

  • Register for a My OLH account. Registering will allow you to save and complete this form on your own schedule.  
  • Enter your information completely and correctly. 
  • Pace yourself and take breaks. All the information you fill out will be saved. You can click "Save & Exit" and return to complete your form.   
  • Download or email your completed form. 
  • Follow the instructions on the completed form to file with the court.

If possible, use a computer so that you can easily download your completed form or email it to yourself.

This project was supported by Grant Nos. 2022-WF-VA1-8855 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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After You Finish

Learn what to do when you have finished filling out this form.
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Here's what to do next:

Step 1. Review your forms. Review the forms to make sure that they are complete and accurate. If you need to make any changes, you can edit your form by logging into your My OLH Account.

Step 2. File the forms. Contact the local Court of Common Pleas where you live. Your court may have other local forms that you have to file with your petition, so ask the Clerk if there are more required forms before you file.

Step 3. Attend the ex parte hearing (if requested). If you request an ex parte hearing, the Court will hold an emergency hearing on the day you file or the day after. The respondent does not attend the ex parte hearing. At this hearing, the judge reviews your forms and may ask you some questions. Then, the judge decides if you need an emergency, ex parte protection order that starts immediately.

Step 4. Complete service. “Service” is when the Court officially tells the respondent about your filing. After you file, you will need to follow up with the Clerk’s office to make sure that service was completed. Your case cannot be heard at the full hearing until service has been completed.

Step 5. Attend the full hearing. Whether or not you are given an ex parte protection order, the Court holds a full hearing, usually within 10 business days. At the full hearing, you testify and present evidence including any witnesses and documentation to show the judge why you need a protection order. You must show that the respondent's actions have met the requirements for the civil protection order.