Blog + News
Ohio Legal Help Launches Stalking CPO Form Assistant
The stalking and sexually oriented offense protection order tool on was developed in partnership with the Supreme Court of Ohio through a Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grant.
New self-help tool will aid people who represent themselves
The Virtual Self-Help Center is a free, online tool created by Ohio Legal Help, a technology nonprofit that gives Ohioans access to civil legal information and empowers them to resolve their civil legal issues.
Ohio Legal Help Adds Kinship Care Information to Website is now providing help specifically for the hundreds of thousands of people who are taking care of minor relatives in kinship care arrangements.
Ohio Legal Help to offer help to Ohioans facing debt collection
Ohio Legal Help will use a generous grant from the Columbus Bar Foundation to add new content to its web portal,, including legal information, court forms and tools to help Franklin County residents deal with civil legal issues related to debt collection.
Ohio Legal Help Launches Spanish-Language Version of Website is now making it easier for Spanish-speaking residents to benefit from the site. Ohio Legal Help announced today that it has created a Spanish language version:
Ohio Legal Help and the Cleveland Branch of the NAACP team up
The Cleveland Branch of the NAACP has a new tool that will make it easier, more secure and more convenient for people to file racial discrimination complaints. Beginning July 20, anyone visiting the organization’s website to file a complaint will be directed to an intake form on
Cuyahoga County DR Court Receives Supreme Court Grant
Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court Administrative Judge Leslie Ann Celebrezze is pleased to announce the Ohio Supreme Court has awarded a $121,225 grant to the Domestic Relations Court to partner with Ohio Legal Help to develop a Virtual Help Center for litigants who don’t have access to an attorney.
Ohio Legal Help Launches DV CPO Form Assistant
The online domestic violence and dating violence tool on was developed in partnership with the Ohio Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Domestic Violence, the Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) and The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.
Ohio Legal Help Launches Secure User Hub
Ohio Legal Help, a statewide, mobile-first website with free legal information and resources, launched “My OLH,” a secure hub where users can create an account to find, save and complete court forms like Divorce without Children and the CDC Eviction Moratorium Declaration.
OLH + Montgomery Co. DR Court to Create Virtual Self-Help Center
Ohio Legal Help, working in partnership with the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court, will build a virtual self-help center for people who must deal with family law matters without the aid of an attorney.